FLCA Elections
YOU’RE INVITED to JOIN THE BOARD OF THE FAMILY LIFE COACHING ASSOCIATION. Apply NOW and make a difference in families all over the world!
- FLCA ELECTIONS are now OPEN for Committee Chairs for the 2025/2026 term
- VOTING will run October 30 – November 3
- ANNOUNCEMENT of New Board Members will be announced by November 15
Learn more about our open positions:
Executive Board Member Positions
2-year position
Heads the organization and leads FLCA operations
Presides at board meetings and ensures FLCA business is being completed
Fosters communication between board members and committees
Make connections with FLCA members and other appropriate associations, agencies, or entities as needed
Providing updates/keynote at any conferences or meetings
Serving as the point of contact with other organizations and for any media requests, in collaboration with the Secretary
2-year position
Maintains a financial record of FLCA expenditures and income
Provides a financial report to the full board bi-monthly, the executive board monthly, and full membership yearly
Pay FLCA bills and deposits money collected
Works with the CPA in filing required forms for IRS and government
Assist board members with reimbursements as needed
Should have some experience with bookkeeping
Responsible for sending out formal correspondence in collaboration with the chair/vice chair
Send invitations, reminders, and the agenda link for board meetings
Record board minutes and distribute them to the board
Committee Chair Positions
Invite & encourage student & new professionals’ participation, including those new to coaching
Facilitate student-specific activities
Facilitate the FLCA Mentorship Program
Encourage collaboration w/Research Committee
Assist FLCA in identifying needs for graduating students
Lobby for reimbursement for FL coaches
Help with securing grants/funding
Establish partnerships w/other entities/organizations to further mission, vision of FLCA
Identify membership process
Announcement & promotion of membership
Connect with & track all new/renewed members
Establish and schedule Coffee Chats for members
Notify VP & committee chairs of new volunteers
Work w/Conference on membership table
Solicit, schedule, & advertise webinar speakers
Participate in webinars (introduce speaker, monitor process & questions, etc.)
Ensure various topics/individuals are included
Establish follow-up procedures (release of recordings, summary for newsletter, etc.)
Review/share pertinent coaching literature
Assist members in writing blogs, short articles
Establish publication guidelines for FLCA
Identify gaps in literature
Assist Advocacy in writing briefs, policy papers
Establish Family Life Coaching Journal
Compare/research standards of other organizations
Develop, recommend, validate standards
Present info sessions on certification/credentialing
Monitor certification/credentialing processes
Follow-up with members re yearly updating of certification (CEUs to include ethics)
Create & update ethics for FL coaches & FLCA
Continually monitor best practice w/Research
Monitor time-sensitive information and adjust as needed
Work with the web designer to update, make necessary changes & monitor member-only, board-only, and public pages
Perform quality assurance checks on links, documents, etc., preferably no less than on a quarterly basis
Serve as a liaison between the executive board and all committee chairs regarding appropriate website updates, changes, or edits
Participate in bi-monthly board meetings
How To Apply
Send the following with your contact information:
A short bio for the ballot
A simple headshot for the ballot
A Statement of Interest:Â Why do you want to serve on the Board, in this role?
You must be a member in good standing.  If you’re not already a member, you can join us today.
Applications are due Friday, October 25, 2024
Send your information to: familylcassociation@gmail.com

Our Mission
Elevating the practice of family life coaching by serving coaches and our community through education, research, advocacy, and collaboration for the well-being of families globally.
Establish Credibility
Offering nationally recognized ethics, standards and credentialing for family life coaches.
Provide Advocacy
Lobby for accessibility and health insurance coverage for family life coaching services.
Create Connections
Conecting family life coaches with other family life coaches and related professionals.
Our Vision
To establish the most effective family life coaching resource for families to receive the support they need to live happy and healthy lives.
 QUESTIONS? info@flcassociation.org