Call For Proposals

Growing our shared purpose: Home Visitors, Family Life Coaches,  and Family Life Educators  

Coaching to Promote Well-Being 

June 2nd to June 4th, 2022 

Call for Proposals 

Workshop and Presentation Proposals are due no later than 11:59 pm EST on April 15, 2022. Applicants will be notified of decisions by April 25, 2022.   The 2022 conference theme is Growing Our Shared Purpose: Coaches, Home Visitors, and Family Life Educators.  With that in mind, proposals for workshops, presentations, and posters should focus on links between early childhood home visiting and coaching and/or coaching to promote well-being. Proposals may focus on innovative research, policy, practice, theory, resources, applicable business concepts, or any other topic related to coaching research or application. Presentation may be in one of four formats:  â—Š Presentation – summary of research, topic, or technique (20-30 min.)  â—Š Workshop – interactive session that demonstrates/builds skills (60 min.)  â—Š Interactive Poster – presentation of information for display and discussion with participants    Submission Parts:  Title: Please enter the official title of your proposal.  Format: ___ Presentation ____ Workshop _____ Interactive Poster  Author(s) Bio(s) (100 words max per author): Briefly describe the professional background and qualifications for  each author; including year/field/institution of highest degree and any licenses/certifications held (may be edited for  advertising & program purposes).  Abstract (75 words max): Prepare a brief abstract that describes your presentation or workshop for use in the conference program (may be edited if used for advertising purposes).  Summary (500 words max): Provide a summary of your presentation/workshop content, session delivery approach,  and how your proposal aligns with the conference theme. Make sure the format chosen matches your description of  your session.  Objectives: Identify 2 to 3 learning objectives you aim to achieve during your session.  **Submit completed proposals as a pdf attachment to You’ll receive a confirmation email.